
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world and is available in many different forms.
Here are 6 of the most popular types of coffee:

araabika kohvioad

Arabica coffee

Arabica is the most widely grown type of coffee in the world and is grown mainly in South America, Africa and Asia. Arabica is grown at higher altitudes and is considered to be a high quality coffee as it gives a milder and smoother taste. Arabica coffee is an excellent choice for morning coffee.
Arabica is the world’s most popular coffee variety. It is widely grown and accounts for about 60% of the world coffee market. The popularity of Arabica coffee is due to its mild taste and lower caffeine content compared to other coffees.


Robusta coffee

Robusta coffees tend to have a stronger flavour and are mainly grown in Africa and Asia. Robusta coffee contains twice the caffeine of Arabica coffee, making it ideal for coffee drinks that require a strong flavour, such as cappuccino or latte.

robusta kohvioad
liberica kohvioad

Liberica coffee

Liberica is a type of coffee grown mainly in Africa and Asia. It is less common than arabica and robusta, but its flavour is stronger and more intense. Liberica coffee is perfect for coffee drinks that require a strong flavour and aroma.



Excelsa coffee

Robusta coffees tend to have a stronger flavour and are mainly grown in Africa and Asia. Robusta coffee contains twice the caffeine of Arabica coffee, making it ideal for coffee drinks that require a strong flavour, such as cappuccino or latte.

Excelsa kohvi



Maragogype coffee

Maragogype is one of the rarest coffee varieties and is native to the Bahia region of Brazil. It is famous for its large coffee beans, which are twice the size of regular coffee beans. Maragogype coffee is known for its sweet, smooth and fruity flavour. The size of Maragogype coffee beans is important for their flavour characteristics. Larger coffee bean size means that they can be less bitter and more acidic, giving the coffee a rich and mild flavour. However, these larger beans are also rare, so Maragogype coffee is usually more expensive than regular coffees. Maragogype coffee is best brewed by hand to bring out the rich and subtle flavour of this coffee. It is perfect as a morning coffee drink and also works well as a dessert. Maragogype is certainly one of the most prized and distinctive coffees among coffee lovers.

Kona coffee

Kona coffee is grown in the Kona region of the Hawaiian archipelago. It is one of the more expensive coffees and is characterised by a sweet, fruity and slightly acidic flavour.
Kona coffee is one of the world’s rarest and most expensive coffees. It grows only in the Kona region of the Hawaiian archipelago, which has ideal climatic conditions for growing coffee trees. Kona coffee is known for its mild flavour, fruity aroma and low acidity. The flavour characteristics of this coffee variety are mainly due to the growing environment in which it is grown. Kona coffee trees grow in volcanic soil, which gives the coffee its unique flavour. Kona coffee is often described as rich, sweet and smooth in flavour, with less acidity than many other coffees. Kona coffee is produced in limited quantities and grown only in the Kona region, making it one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Because Kona coffee is so expensive, it can often only be found in higher-end cafés and restaurants. Kona coffee is great for morning coffee drinks and is perfect for dessert. Kona coffee can be enjoyed black, or milk and sugar can be added to accentuate the coffee’s flavours.

kona kohv
kohvi päritoulumaa

Coffee is a versatile beverage with different flavours and origins. Each coffee variety has its own unique history and cultural significance. Depending on your taste preferences and energy needs, you can choose from a variety of coffee drinks. Whether it’s a strong espresso, a sweet mocha or a rich Maragogype, you’re sure to find something to suit your tastes and needs. So be sure to try the different types of coffee and find your favourite!
